2022 summer season off to a busy start
After a busy winter preparing yacht InTuition for our busy summer season we are off to a busy start with demand for Scottish sailing at an all time high.
Our season kicked off running the RYA Cruising Instructor coure working with experienced Yachtmasters and training them up to run the RYA Competent Crew and Day Skipper courses. This was a truely international week with candidates from Scotland, England Holland and France.
The sailing participation at an all time high in Scotland there is a huge demand for RYA Competent Crew and Day Skipper courses which has been a large part of what we have been teaching over the first few months this year. During one of these courses we got the opportunity to work with our oldest ever customer at 83 years old. Being fitter than others on the boat less than half her age she was a pleasure to sail with.
It has been nice to get some water under the keel and do some longer passages on our Coastal Skipper course. With a good forecast we bounced back and forwards between Scotland and Northern Ireland getting some quality mileage in and practicing navigation through strong tidal gates both by day and night.
There is also lots of demand for berthing practice and training skippers and crew up to handle a boat well under engine in a marina. For this we offer Close quarter boat handling and own boat tuition and these have been more popular than ever.
In April a week was put aside for Yachtmaster training and with 3 candidates putting themselves forwards for MCA / RYA yachtmaster exams we had 3 successful results to the exams at Coastal and Offshore level.
Daniel our principal was ready for a holiday so world circumnavigator Conall Morrison joined InTuition for our Conquer Kintyre trip. This involved 7 days of longer passages into the Western Isles before returning to the Clyde via the Crinan Canal. Loch Fyne, Arran, Sanda, Islay and Jura were all visited on this busy trip.
The next few weeks our taken up with berthing practice and day sails before we get back into Day Skipper courses, family sailing holdays and preperations for the St Kilda Challenge race in June.