Conquer Kintyre Scottish adventure sailing

This sailing cruise allows you to truly conquer the Kintyre peninsula by circumnavigating it using the Crinnan canal and the Mull of Kintyre. Enjoy the best of both worlds with a relaxed canal transit, cruising to Islay, Jura or Gigha as well as a longer more exposed trip around the famous Mull of Kintyre.
The vikings used to believe they had claim to any land they could circumnavigate with their long boats and used to cross land masses by carrying their boats over narrowings in the land to claim peninsulas. Using the canal, you can do the same and truly conquer the Kintyre peninsula.

Assumed knowledge and sailing experience: Some sailing experience
Minimum age: 18
Course starts: 09:00 @ Largs, Scotland
When comparing costs with other providers it is worth remembering that all costs are included in our courses including fuel, gas, consumables, food, certification and berthing.
Optional extras include food and drink ashore, purchasing a logbook if required and waterprooof hire.
When booking with other providers where berthing fees are not included, this is charged to the customer during the course adding a significant extra cost.
20% deposit is required to secure a place on the course with the balance due 6 weeks before the course begins.